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"Thank you for looking after Gordon he had 8 extra years"

Gordon Douglas was one of our patients with liver cancer, first referred to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2014. He responded to treatment and was a regular visitor after that, for clinic reviews and follow-up scans. We came to know him well. When his cancer recurred in 2020, he signed up to our Cancer Research UK HUNTER study and had more treatments, despite the worries of the COVID pandemic. He had various other medical problems, but Gordon was a fighter. He always bounced back and remained in good spirits.  We kept in touch by phone when he wasn’t able to travel anymore.

It was with fond memories and sadness that we learned, from his beloved wife Ann, of Gordon’s passing on 27th July 2023, aged 88 years.

This poem was written by Chelsey Chocholko as a tribute to her late grandfather, Gordon Douglas.

Is it the coffee’s, beer or gin

Or shall I start from were we begin

You met Grandma so young and sweet

Dancing on a Saturday and sweeping her off her feet

A few years after Gill was born

You enjoyed food at The Rimshaw but the curfew was at dawn

Next came Alison and she was a hit

You would fix her car but forever had a spare bit

As years went on, holidays you all shared

Their favourite was you sneaking in glasses of cola to there bed know-

ing it was naughty but they dared

The years flew by quickly and how your daughters had grown

Alison now had a family of her own

Wulf adored his Granda it was easy to see

He taught him to shave and played football even with bad knees

Chelzz was next and adored him too

He taught her to ride her bike and always guided her through

Last was Thom who adored Granda aswell

They would play cars and he would take computer advice even for the

hundredth time without a yell

Chelzz then had Toby and Douglas, Granda was so excited two boys

Every Sunday they visited and they’d all play with toys

Granda was so proud he loved these two

As every year passed his love forever grew

Now we've looked back its easy to see

He was so special and will be loved and missed for eternity

Granda your suffering no more, your spirit is free

Flying high up above with your parents,

siblings and Gill enjoying a cold G&T

We all love you, Until we meet again.

Gordon Douglas and his wife Ann Douglas
Gordon Douglas
Gordon worked for the RAF from 1956

Richie's poem

The poem below was written by Richie as a tribute to his grandfather who passed away from liver cancer.

It started with the news

We heard you had cancer

And all we could do is pray

And hope the man above would answer 


He answered our prayer

And gave cancer a good smack

But the prayer didn’t last long

Cuz the cancer came back


It came back for revenge

Found a way to retaliate 

Made life more hard

More struggles on our plate 


So as time went on 

We could see your body change

But we all knew

Nothing would be the same 


We tried to stay strong 

Just living out the days 

We wish you had more time 

If we had it our way 


As time went on 

We started to see you decline 

Not knowing what to do

Cuz it was coming to that time 


I can remember that day 

The final time you played the guitar

Cried in my cousins arms

Cuz that moment left us with a scar 


To see you play music 

Something you truly did love 

And now you’re in heaven

Watching from above 


Now come to your final day

You laying in your bed

All of us so emotional 

So much going thru our head 


As 2:30 hit the dot 

You took your final breath

It was an hour and a half later

They would pronounce your official time of death 


I can remember the moments after

All our tears were released 

As you lay on the bed

Finally sleeping at peace 


We will keep living our lives

Until we meet again 

But until that day comes 

I love you and miss you my best friend!!


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