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What is a liver transplant?

Is my tumour suitable?

If the team is considering transplantation then the patient will need to be referred to a liver transplant centre who, if in agreement, will go on to organise an assessment for suitability for transplantation. 

This assessment varies slightly from centre to centre; in some centres this is done as an out patient on a single day whereas in some centres the assessment can last several days. The assessment will include investigations to assess the patients liver function and tumour burden along with an assessment of the patients general health including heart and lungs.

What are the risks and complications of transplant?

Liver rejection and graft failure

The biggest complication that can occur following a liver transplant is liver rejection and graft failure.

Liver rejection is when the body attacks the new liver and graft failure occurs when the new liver is not working as it should.

Side effects of immunosuppressant medication

Sometimes, side effects can occur from the immunosuppressant medication you take following a liver transplant.

The side effects can include kidney problems and an increased risk of infections.

Bile duct leak or blockage

Sometimes a leak or blockage can occur in one of the bile ducts.

Bile is a fluid made by the liver to help with digestion.  Bile passes from the liver into small tubes called bile ducts.

A bile leak can lead to abdominal discomfort, fever and infection.  Ultimately a leak or blockage could result in graft failure.


Liver Transplant Leaflet

You can download our information leaflet about liver transplants here:

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